H30 嵯峨野高校 京都こすもす科 英語



今年度の京都府立嵯峨野高等学校 京都こすもす科の英語の入試問題解説です。リスニング問題(大問1)を除く筆記問題の解答と解説です。特に間違いやすいポイントを丁寧に説明しました。長文問題の全訳付きです。













平成30年度 嵯峨野こすもす 英語 入試問題解説
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(1) 正解 1 ウ 2 イ 3 エ 4 ア 5 ア 6 エ 7 イ 8 ウ

1. 本文1ページ目第1段落に,"Let's go to the woods and be *hunters. We can *hunt animals," said Tommy.

また,He liked adventures. とあることから,
Tommy liked exciting expeireince and startrd to talk about becoming a hunter.

2. 本文1ページ目第2段落に,Tommy took his lunch box out. Tommy's mother often made sandwiches for him. He opened his lunchbox. Tommy looked surprised. A lot of worms were in the box! とあることから,
When Tommy opened the lunch box, he looked surprised because he didn't find sandwiches and found some food for fish in the box.

some food for fish 釣り餌

エの his brother put a lot of worms in the box for Tommy は,第2段落に,"This is my brother's box for fishing! He took my box."とあり,弟が自分の釣り餌用の箱とトミーの弁当箱を間違って持って行ったと言っている。エは,弟がトミーのために (for Tommy) 虫を入れたと,言っているので間違い。

3. 本文2ページ目第4段落の最初に,"You can eat all of them, but you must go home. It'll be cold at night on the mountain. You are *far away from town," said the man.
When the hunter met the boys for the first time, he wanted the boys to leave for home.


4. 本文2ページ目第4段落に,Billy was afraid of the bear and said, "Let's go back."とあり,ビリーは熊を怖がっていたことが分かるので,
When Billy talked with the hunter, Billy became afraid of meeting adangerous bear.

afraid of 〜 〜を恐れる

meeting a dangerous bear 危険な熊に出くわす

5. 本文2ページ目第5段落の内容から,二人が森の中で迷っていたことが分かるので,
After the boys left the hunter's hut, they had many problems in the woods.

6. 本文2ページ目第5段落に,Tommy climbed up and tried to help poor Billy. Billy was very high from the ground,
but Tommy thought Billy was safe because his belt was strong. とあり,トミーはビリーのベルトが丈夫なので木から落ちる心配がないと考えていた事が分かるので,
When Tommy couldn't help Billy, Tommy thought that Billy was safe because Billy's belt was so strong that he was not going to fall.

so 〜 that ・・・ とても〜なので・・・

7. 本文2ページ目第5段落に,He was not lucky and fell in a deep hole. It was an old deep hole to catch bears. But he was lucky because there were many leaves on the ground. He did not get *hurt, but he couldn't get out of the deep hole. とあるので,トミーは運悪く熊を捕まえる深い落とし穴に落ちてしまったが,地面に葉っぱがいっぱい有ったので怪我をしなかった事が分かるので,
When Tommy fell in a deep hole, there were many leaves on the ground.

8. 本文2ページ目第3段落に,The hunter who met the two boys told the men about them. So they knew where they should go to look for the boys. とあり,猟師が男達に二人の事を話したことが分かるので,
The men knew where they should go to find the boys because the hunter told them about the boys.

(2) 正解例



They saw Tommy's cap on the ground. They told the dogs to find the boy. The dogs *sniffed Tommy's cap and started looking for him. The men went after the dogs. One man stayed there to take care of Billy.
Soon the dogs came to the deep hole to catch bears and began to bark again.


(3) 正解例

I went to the woods with Billy because I wanted to be a hunter. But we couldn't hunt any animals and we were lost in the woods.I gave you a lot of worry and trouble.
I'm very sorry. (39 words)

和訳 猟師になりたかったので,ビリーと一緒に森に行きました。しかし,何も動物を捕まえる事が出来ずに,道に迷ってしまいました。大変な心配と迷惑をかけてしまいました。ごめんなさい。


正解 (1) blow (2) improve (3) education (4) Prefecture

(1) 山の頂上はとても寒くて風が強く吹いているだろうから,気をつけて下さい。と考える。

blow: (風が)吹く,が正解。

(注意)(b     )の後が,strongly(副詞)であるので,be を入れると間違いになる事に気をつける。
○ will be strong
× will be strongly


(2) そのクラブは英語で私を助けてくれるらしい。メンバーはとても英語を上手に話す。私は彼らのような生徒になりたい。から,話し手Bは英語が上手くなりたいと思っているので,

improve: 改善する,が正解。

(3) 世界には学校に通えない多くの子供達がいる。言語についての (e     ) なしでは,読み書きできない。私は彼らを助けたい。という文脈から,

education: 教育,が正解。

(4) 会話から,ある兵庫県の最も大きい都市を訪ねている。

Prefecture: 府県,が正解。


(1) 正解 あ 7 い Yes う 12 え 8.1 お 36 か Yes

あ 本文第2段落 Distilled water is *neutral; it has a pH of 7.

う 本文第5段落 To get the answer, Liz took home 12 *aquarium tanks from a university.

え 本文第5段落 Each of the six tanks in group A got three
peppermint shrimp and had water at a pH of 8.1. Each of the six tanksin group B also got three peppermint shrimp but had water at a pH of 7.5. より,一方の水槽のpHが7.5なら,もう一方のpHは8.1。

お 本文第5段落 To get the answer, Liz took home 12 *aquarium tanks from a university.
Each of the six tanks in group A got three peppermint shrimp and had water at a pH of 8.1. Each of the six tanks in group B also got threepeppermint shrimp but had water at a pH of 7.5.
より,3匹/水槽 × 12水槽 = 36匹

い・か 第3段落,第7段落の内容から,どちらにもYesが入る。


(2) 正解:ア

There were some people who discovered the same *results. 同じ結果を発見した人がいた。
Just like Liz's experiments, another group of scientists found that the same kind of shrimp became more intensely colored when they put their shrimp in water with a pH of 7.5 for 24 days. The scientists reported it last month. リズの実験と全く同様に,同じ種類のエビを24日間pHが7.5の水に入れて置くと,より鮮やかな色になる事を見出したもう一つの科学者のグループがある。その科学者たちは先月それを報告した。


(3) 正解例


第8段落 She also worries about the change in color because it is easier for fish or animals which eat shrimp to find them. をまとめる。


(1) ① キ ② ア ③ オ
That famous castle which has white walls is called Shirasagi Castle.
ク are 不要。

(2) ① ク ② キ ③ エ
The school Saki goes to has been here for 77 years since it started as a school for girls.
シ after 不要。

(3) ① ウ ② キ ③ サ
Please tell me what to do about this problem before it's too late.
コ say 不要。何か物事を教えていうのは,sayではなく,tellを使う。
何をすべきかは,what to do


(4) ① ケ ② コ ③ エ
I see a lot of foreign visitors on the trains I take when I go to school.
イ who 不要。


(1) How are you going to express emotions without saying anything.

〜することなしに: without 〜ing


(2) Please eat it while it's hot.


〜の間に: while 〜


(3) I wonder what I can do to keep the environment good for native Japanese fish.

〜かな: I wonder (間接疑問文)
〜を・・・に保つ: keep 〜 ・・・





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